WebSite Time!


Examples of slideshows (Presentations) made with various Free Software approaches.


It's great to see the reveal.js slideshows (from org-files and org-re-reveal) will work with neocities.

Inkscape JessyInk

JessyInk comes with Inkscape for making Poster Presentations. Like Reveal.JS above the slides are seen with a browser like Firefox or Epiphany.

Finding NeoCities

Joel Dueck's page about The Unbearable Lightness of Web Pages 1 reminded me of learning from geocities pages in the 90's(maybe?).

Web pages are ghosts: they’re like images projected onto a wall. They aren’t durable. If you turn off the projector (i.e. web server), the picture disappears. If you know how to run a projector, and you can keep it running all the time, you can have a web site.

This margin note is what brought my attention to geocities, and then on-line searches brought me to neocites.

“When Yahoo! switched off the servers for GeoCities, the Web posting service, on Oct. 27, some 7 million of the Internet’s first websites went dark forever.”

While looking into geocities I found neocities and got interested.

Fediverse Accounts

I share photos with a fediverse account with pixelfed-social2

I live with chickens...:

... and a dog:

I try to keep track of my reading by sharing quotes and thoughts with my fediverse Mastodon3 account. The Misskey4, Hubzilla5, and Friendica6 accounts don't get as much use. Along with this Neocities account I have started trying to learn to post with a Dreamwidth7 account also. It would be good to work towards some coherency and pull together disparate mastodon and other fediverse posts.


  1. Joel Dueck's Pollen page:
  2. Brian Small's Pixelfed account
  3. Brian Small's Mastodon account
  4. Brian Small's Misskey account
  5. Brian Small's Hubzilla account
  6. Brian Small's Friendica account
  7. Brian Small's Dreamwidth account